What about http://strawpoll.me/ ? Is there something that your site does differently than that one? Heres the same poll at strawpoll: http://strawpoll.me/2716564 so you can compare. This site is commonly used at twitch.tv so that the streamer can ask the viewers a question, all results update in real-time. I have seen thousands of people use it simultaneously with no problem.
What I really need from straw poll is an option for better voting methods, if we're deciding between more than three choices for streaming we always need to use instant runoff to get an accurate measurement of what people want to watch. Something popular like Schultze voting (maybe implemented with sliders from one to ten instead of entering rank numbers; so it stays as idiot-proof as strawpoll.me)
It's not perfect if you're worried about people voting more than once. We tried doing an office poll about something people held strong opinions about -- what video game to bring in for an office tournament -- and within twenty minutes, coworkers had rewritten ballot stuffing scripts in bash, PHP, and Python.
Not to mention that you can submit multiple votes by opening the page in an incognito window in Chrome.