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While I really like the non-tech topics (I remember one about raising chickens as well), and I love reading all the HN comments (more detailed how-to experiences, startup metaphors, and beehive monitoring devices), I really did not like the tone of this article. I felt the form actually detracted from the content enough to come here and mention it.

I like learning about the details of a new field, and I like to hear about issues facing beginners, but this article seemed somewhat pretentious and naïve. I'm all for admitting and learning from mistakes, but not making them into some Shakepearian drama (loyalty, death, duels). The whole tie-in with literature seemed formulaic, not to mention strained, as if it were an assignment for a writing class. I felt this story would've been better served with a straight-up blog-like narrative--just the facts. Not every story belongs in the New Yorker.

>I felt this story would've been better served with a straight-up blog-like narrative--just the facts.

And now blogs are the gold standard for 'just the facts, ma'am'?

Nothing is forcing you to read someone's personal blog. If you don't like it, don't read it.

I quite liked the prose and the way it was written. Regardless, it was extremely well written and taught many of us non-bee keepers something new.

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