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As much as I love Terry Gilliam I find his films like Zero Theorem and even Brazil very challenging to watch the whole way through. I always think they are absolutely genius for the first 30 minutes or so then my interest always starts to slowly fade.

Similar to most of the Monty Python films.

It's like a desert you can only eat in small batches but delivered in full cake size.

The first time I watched Brazil I felt physically uncomfortable. I thought that was the point. I loved it.

The ending was one of the few movie endings that left an emotional impact on me for awhile.

I once saw it on TV and they cut that last 10 seconds.

Yep, that was the edited version. Those last 10 seconds made the movie go from a B+ to an instant classic for me.

... I disagree on the Monty Python films, I find they're generally well-paced and can be enjoyed all the way through.

Gilliam's serious films, on the other hand - yeah. The main needs to listen to his editors. Every time I watch a Gilliam movie, especially a director's cut, I'm always frustrated how much his movies drag through the 2nd act. The man needs to learn some brevity, but at his age he's obviously made up his mind that the audiences need to absolutely wallow in his beautiful imagery.

Those bits are for people in altered states. I posit that this has helped many of his films having incredible long tails thanks to their cult status.

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