What I mainly remember is two things: suddenly everyone had to do client-side form checking to prevent people from typing dashes in a phone number field, and everyone tried to imitate Java without actually using Java. It seems like any way you could enhance a page by combining mouseover events, gifs and loading content dynamically you would throw into a page, even if it made the user experience a total mess. Which of course never happens today.
My favorite memory is helping to write some of the first "griefers" using JS. If you were unlucky enough to stumble onto our page you had a window literally jumping around your screen with pop-ups til the end of time. There was no way to exit the browser until you'd clicked it all and it'd never end. Just getting your mouse near the 'X' would make the window jump around again. Of course, that was a mild annoyance compared to loading fonts and images so big they'd consume all the available RAM and make the machine fall over from swapping in about 15 seconds.
I have those memories too, on Windows 95 or 98? I remember IE4 being released and it could do a lot more than IE3, plus it was more "forgiving" with sloppy HTML compared to Netscape.
What I mainly remember is two things: suddenly everyone had to do client-side form checking to prevent people from typing dashes in a phone number field, and everyone tried to imitate Java without actually using Java. It seems like any way you could enhance a page by combining mouseover events, gifs and loading content dynamically you would throw into a page, even if it made the user experience a total mess. Which of course never happens today.
My favorite memory is helping to write some of the first "griefers" using JS. If you were unlucky enough to stumble onto our page you had a window literally jumping around your screen with pop-ups til the end of time. There was no way to exit the browser until you'd clicked it all and it'd never end. Just getting your mouse near the 'X' would make the window jump around again. Of course, that was a mild annoyance compared to loading fonts and images so big they'd consume all the available RAM and make the machine fall over from swapping in about 15 seconds.