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Legal tech startup weekend, AirBNB HQ SF 8/15-17 (startupweekend.org)
1 point by rdowne on Aug 8, 2014 | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment

Legal themed variation on startup weekend next weekend. Lots of lawyers, but we could use more hackers. My company, Casetext, is a community sponsor. Come to network, to pitch and develop a nascent idea, or to perhaps connect/find opportunities with one of the many more established legal-tech startups sponsoring the event.

From the press release: The intersection of law and technology presents unique challenges and exciting opportunities for growth and creativity for developers, designers, and legal industry insiders. Recent years have seen a surge of answers to law’s need for innovation: e-discovery tools, contract generation apps, law practice management SaaS, virtual firms, and websites are beginning to radically change the way lawyers research, consult and provide legal services. A wide range of possibilities remain for new startups to join companies like LegalZoom and Clio in integrating tech into solutions for consumers, attorneys, businesses, and the government. “Legal technology is only beginning to scratch the surface of its true potential,” says Jake Heller, co-founder and CEO of Y Combinator-backed startup Casetext. “Yet technology can have the biggest impact in law where it is most important -- where people's lives, property, and money are often on the line.” This potential for meaningful impact – and profit – is also attracting investors to the legal tech space, with investments leaping to $458 million from $66 million in 2012. The average valuation of legal tech companies currently stands at $4.2 million, and analysts expect continued exponential growth. “The legal industry is attractive from an investment standpoint because it’s a large market with older technology and great potential for reinvention,” explains Robert Siegel, general partner at venture capital firm XSeed Capital and board member for legal analytics platform Lex Machina. “There are plenty of opportunities for development of new technology that can deliver better solutions than what’s available today.”

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