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How we allow anyone to make and publish changes to our site (pixlee.com)
26 points by awad on Aug 8, 2014 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

Great read. I'm a huge advocate of using files and version control (specifically markdown and git) for published content, so I hope this workflow catches on.

Two improvements that are worth thinking about:

1) A public repository for content, separate from the main codebase. I was excited by the inclusion of "anyone" in the post title, assuming that they accepted pull requests on existing content (typos, improved documentation, FAQs) from outsiders. Turns out anyone, in this case, refers to anyone on the Pixlee team with access to the private repo.

2) Adopting the GitHub Flow [1] for content. I didn't see any mention of approval before publishing, which is an awesome freebie from piggybacking on git. They did mention that a technical member reviews all changes before deploying, but this is hardly a substitute for an editor or manager overseeing content.

[1] http://scottchacon.com/2011/08/31/github-flow.html

Thanks for the feedback!

While I'm not sure of the practicality of the first point (as in the people who care enough about a SaaS site to make improvements also being able to send a pull request), I certainly agree with it in principle and will think about the best way to implement something like that in the future.

The second one is something that I think we'll be working on as we grow.

If the git functionality is masked by a web interface, then it's practical. A process like this, perhaps:

1) Include a 'suggest changes' link that forks the content

2) Forked content opens in web editor where 'save' commits to the forked repo

3) 'Submit changes' button that opens a pull request

A moderator or editor can accept or reject any pull request.

This is kind of what I'm doing with Penflip (http://www.penflip.com), but right now it's geared towards long form content like ebooks. Eventually I plan to expand to web based content. More thoughts here: http://madebyloren.com/github-for-writers

I like it, thanks for your input!

Btw, big fan of what you're doing at Penflip. Definitely appreciate making Git more accessible to non-developers (which is basically what we're doing with our CMS)

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