I'm usually among the more skeptical in Show HNs and this is great. Absolutely dead simple, manages itself, no login etc, easy to see the benefit and all I do is save the email in case I ever feel like I want to start.
Only thing I can think of is perhaps the option to not receive an email every time I update the stat? Like perhaps I only receive an email with CSV etc when I send statname and no numbers? I realize adding features only subtracts from the merits I mentioned earlier but this might be one worth considering (along with SMS as someone else mentioned, though that can be a chore). Thanks for posting.
I thought about this and I'm building a safety net: each email will include an attachment with a CSV of your historical data so in the worst case scenario that the service shuts down, you'll have a built-in archive ready to go.
Why is that? On Android, sending an email and an SMS follow nearly identical courses of action, and require the same number of taps. I can only see cons with an SMS approach (can only access from single device, can't bundle csv data in reply) so I'm honestly curious.
Lovely! I would love to be able to track 2 things (or more) in the same email, like weight and height of my son (usually we have both numbers at the same time when we visit the pediatrician).
That makes sense; I toyed with the idea of implementing this. For now you can send two different stats in the same email subject line and you'll get two separate charts back in the replies.
I'll probably work on combining the two stats in a single chart instead.
This is superb. I'm going to use it as a daily logging service for the number of users who sign up for my service. I get this email everyday telling me the number of signups and I've been procrastinating adding a line chart to give me some historical data along with it. Hope you don't mind me linking this to a server. :-)
Also, +1 for more options to power users. This is dead simple which is why it works but if I have data for than a month, this might start to get messy for me.
Only thing I can think of is perhaps the option to not receive an email every time I update the stat? Like perhaps I only receive an email with CSV etc when I send statname and no numbers? I realize adding features only subtracts from the merits I mentioned earlier but this might be one worth considering (along with SMS as someone else mentioned, though that can be a chore). Thanks for posting.