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What IDE should I use?
2 points by msutyler on July 30, 2014 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments
Hi Guys,

New to the forum and fairly new to hacking. I've taught myself basic HTML, CSS, PHP and Javascript. I would like to start creating some project I have floating in my head for practice and possibly for some startup ideas. Just wanted some seasoned vet's opinions on what IDE is the best for beginners that provides a one-stop-shop.


I'v always used eclipse. There are plugins for every task you would want to do.

http://www.eclipse.org/pdt/ http://www.eclipse.org/cdt/ http://eclipsefp.github.io/

I've used NetBeans, Eclipse, vi and Jetbrains' offerings (Rubymine, PhpStorm). For portability of skills, power, and general usability, I'd absolutely recommend PhpStorm (it includes WebStorm's functionality, plus support for PHP). It will set you back about $100 (normal license), but absolutely worth it in my opinion.

Depends on your needs (code completion, highlighting, speed). Tell us what you want to get out of the IDE an we can give better recommondations.

If you plan to do webdev... sublime text or webstorm


Sorry for downvoting you. It was instinctive, seeing a one-word post on the noobcomments page. Make another post and I'll vote it up.

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