So, suppose that before putting the cap back on a 2 liter soda bottle that I have just used to dispense soda, I were put my lips around the spout, suck in, hold that position for as long as I can, and then blow out, and then put the cap back on. The idea is to try to fill that gap in the bottle with 5% exhaled CO2 instead of 0.04% atmospheric CO2.
Would this significantly delay the flattening of my soda?
First, this is not my account. Secondly, I linked it because it was on my newsfeed (my friend). Even if you don't own any G+ account, it will still show you the picture. I don't know what the fuzz is about here.
At first I wondered, "Wouldn't the air be all purple normally?" Turns out my memory of the atmosphere levels were wrong.
> By volume, dry air contains 78.09% nitrogen, 20.95% oxygen, 0.93% argon, 0.039% carbon dioxide, and small amounts of other gases.