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Programming Interview Questions (singhkunal.com)
10 points by edw519 on Sept 7, 2009 | hide | past | favorite | 9 comments

Or you could just flat-out ask them if they memorised all of their introductory CS textbooks.

These are all pretty simple and fair questions. Nothing you should need a textbook for, unless you're faking something on your resume...

I'm not suggesting that these questions would require a textbook, but rather that they aren't particularly insightful interview questions as they test something that can come by rote out of a textbook.

Did anyone else expect the "cpp" questions to be things like "describe the use and purpose of #include, #define, #line, .." ?

""" what is difference between SD and MMC card? What is the difference between NAND Flash and NOR Flash? """

These questions blow, I could answer the above two supposed "Hardware Design and Interfacing" questions and I can tell you right now I don't know jack when it comes to actually designing hardware.

These seem like pretty obvious questions. I'm pretty sure that if I just wanted to find out if a prospective employee had a basic understanding of the platform or technology I wanted to higher him for, I could think of a question or two myself.

Lisp: What is an s-expression?

Python: Why are tabs verboten?

I'm not sure what you'll prove with them; if he misses one, he is probably incompetent, but if he gets them all, you still don't know if he is any good.

This should not have been posted. You can find better interview questions for each technology by searching the Web. For example, http://google.com/search?q=java+interview+questions.

No answers? :-/

or how not to hire someone.

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