Oh my god! You're sagacity of threestate?! I'm swooning! "melrose space" is my all-time favourite demo! To this day, I still watch it regularly, I love it so much. (As well as the other 3s ones -- like enjoying a favourite album.) Thank you!
Good to hear! I never thought people would still be looking at these things such a long time after the fact but I guess that's the internet for you :)
Btw, the things we released as threestate were a clear testament to how important design is (and more accurately in this case, the design of Steven) when you're doing demos. Before that, some of us (me, sarix, inopia) did a bunch of releases as Quad that were also fairly impressive technically but had no design and...pretty much nobody cared.
Yeah, I can't tell you how much pleasure all those demos have given me over the years, so the opportunity to thank someone directly is really satisfying to me. Thanks again. :)
I recognise your/those names from other releases (like quad, and haujobb). And like you said, others may have been more impressive technically, but it's the threestate ones that have always stuck with me, for that amazingly perfect (IMNSHO) combination of technical impressiveness, visuals, and audio.