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no robot here - just a hustler working on product hunt and, yes, manually reaching out to founders to let them know that they just got free press.

Many of them respond with a "Thanks". Not one person has said "Spam".

Erik, you even posted this spam almost verbatim on HN:


I hope you're not going to continue to do that. I get you're hustling, but this isn't the right way to do this.

> Not one person has said "Spam".

I marked the tweet as spam via the report the tweet feature, I don't know if people usually actually reply as "this is spam."

Sounds like a missed opportunity for a bot then... It is not like you are really personalizing the message at all. The only human part of this would be deciding which photo to use to entice the developer. (Could this be optimized by a bot and A/B testing?)

I agree with the other comments that this is a useful feature, but would be more well suited for a customized twitter account with a name explaining it better.

the idea of a bot is intriguing, but right now I'm manually finding founders contact info, reaching out, getting them in the system, asking them Q+A's on producthunt.com, cc'ing other relevant players in the convo, and following up with them to see how PH influenced their traffic and how we can help (which, again, founders respond gratefully for all the free traffic)

If anyone has suggestions for ways to automate part of this, as it takes a long time, i'm open!

I don't see what the big deal is. Some HN people like to complain a lot - don't let it get to you.

Ever try emailing founders instead? I wonder if you'd get a better and/or faster response.

Perhaps you could require your product submitters to insert the contact email for the products they are submitting. Then, you could auto email the founder as soon as their product is posted on Product Hunt.

it's a good idea - but we want to make it super easy for the product submitter to post.

for some reason, we find that people are more responsive on twitter.

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