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^ Why would someone downvote facts? Because they conflict with their religion, of course.

There is not so much difference between "parseable by humans" and "parseable by compilers". What is hard for the machine is hard for you also. For instance, if you're asked to sort a deck of 1000 randomly shuffled cards, each printed with a unique integer, you will not do better than O(N log N).

Take any LALR(1) defined programming language. Now write it in one line without indentation. How easy is it to parse (for you, human)? We rely on other clues to grok languages, like indentation. You cannot really "cheat" in parsing; if the machine requires a 600 state transition graph with a push-down stack, that translates into difficulty for you, also.

Lisp is obviously parseable by humans; there are people who easily write and maintain large, complex Lisp programs.

I think you're missing the point and/or wrong.

First, I don't want to have to turn myself into an LALR parser to read some code.

> What is hard for the machine is hard for you also.

But what's easy for the machine may well not be easy for the human. LZW isn't very hard for a computer, but good luck reading it.

Syntaxes that may be equivalent to the computer may well not be for the human. Yes, a human can train itself to read that stuff, but if the language designer made more humane choices, the language would be easier for the humans.

Note that this does not directly address how hard it is for humans to read Lisp. It merely addresses the parent's comments.

My point is hinting at that Lisp is readable when it is properly written with indentation and alignment. And when good coding practices are followed, like writing reasonably small functions, using good variable names and so on.

Humans do not count parentheses and keep track of nesting levels when reading Lisp, any more than they go through LALR(1) state transitions when reading C++.

We structure the code in 2D, and use visual cheats.

With Lisp, there is no clear distinction between "language" and "library".

In any language, code is hard to understand when it uses a lot of external symbols from a library.

No matter how well you understand C, if I suddenly give you a tarball of the USB subsystem of a kernel you've never worked with, and open a random file, it will look like gobbledygook, even though you "understand" the declarations at the "language level".

Most operators in Lisp code are essentially library symbols; and if you're missing some key symbol (such as the outermost one), you might not be able to understand it at all.

Lisp readability requires not only nice code structure, but a decent working vocabulary: enough vocabulary that you're not tripped up by the standard things that are in the language, and you know what is in the language and what is defined by the program.

For instance if you see some (macrolet ...) form and you have no idea what that means, you may be stuck. What is macrolet? Did the program define that somewhere? An experienced lisper doesn't bat an eyelash. Of course she knows what macrolet is: it's a binding construct for making lexically scoped macros, doesn't everyone?

(But at least you know from the unambiguous syntax and formatting clues what goes with what: what parts of the whole thing are arguments to that macrolet, and which are outside that macrolet! So when you look up macrolet in the reference manual, you know exactly what is being passed to it and can figure it out without any undue difficulties.)

And, about that vocabulary point: different Lisp dialects differ in their vocabulary. Common Lisp vocabulary will not get you very far in understanding Scheme. Emacs Lisp vocabulary will serve you only so far if you'e reading Common Lisp. A dedicated Schemer will be tripped up reading EuLisp, and so on. In languages that have a big divide between "built in" and "library", we see this kind of variation at the library level. For instance C is mostly the same on Unix or Windows, but the libraries are mutually foreign languages. `CreateProcess` with umpteen arguments versus `fork` and `exec`, and whatnot. Since C doesn't have built in data structures, everyone rolls their own, creating effectively a different "C with lists" dialect.

Parseable by humans, not compilers/interpreters.

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