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This is rather unfortunate. A lot of the folks that simply attend college is because they believe they NEED it in order to get a job, be successful, etc. While they're right to some extent (you're going to have a hard time being lawyer with no formal education), people generally miss the point that there are ways to make a living outside of working a boring job.

Some people are simply not meant for college and instead of being forced through by parents, etc, they would be much better off simply dedicating four years of their life to practicing something they enjoy.

I've met several people with no formal education background that now own a couple of small business (nothing fancy, cellphone stores, gas stations, etc) and make more money (and have more fun) than most folks with a college degree at their age. It doesn't take much college to do something entrepreneurial just the motivation to learn and the willingness to fail.

The problem is a lot of folks don't realize that is a feasible option. For the most part everyone is force fed the same routine: "get good grades in high-school to go to a good college and then get good grades in college to get a good job otherwise you're screwed".

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