This is Hacker News, so I'll explain it to you this way: this is specifically _not_ in depth. Have you ever done sales? The idea is that you need to figure out if your customer wants to buy as quickly as possible, and if they don't, move on. If they do, _then_ you move into the longform stuff. If your customer isn't going to buy, it wastes both you and their time.
The idea of this short introduction is to split you into one of two camps: "I want to know more about Rust," or "ewww." If you're in camp one, heading over to the tutorial or Rust by Example is great!
This is Hacker News, so I'll explain it to you this way: this is specifically _not_ in depth. Have you ever done sales? The idea is that you need to figure out if your customer wants to buy as quickly as possible, and if they don't, move on. If they do, _then_ you move into the longform stuff. If your customer isn't going to buy, it wastes both you and their time.
The idea of this short introduction is to split you into one of two camps: "I want to know more about Rust," or "ewww." If you're in camp one, heading over to the tutorial or Rust by Example is great!