> [* Dearest Netflix: Want to make up for missing this one? You could always bring back Firefly and/or Pushing Daisies... Please?]
Netflix might be able to make a space based sci-fi show, the Netflix audience is probably young enough and won't torrent the show since it will be on Netflix commercial free all at once. There hasn't been one of these kind of sci-fi shows since SG-U was canceled. Firefly, SG, I don't care, can we just have something? :(
I don't want a Firefly sequel, at this point the only thing that could happen to it, realistically, is making it worse. It's good as it is, let it lie, invent some new IP or dig up something that hasn't been on the screen yet.
I could maybe go for a Foundation mini-series. Baring that, lots of other possibilities out there in terms of books or fresh ideas.
The entire season of HoC was on torrents within hours of going live on netflix for each season, I'm guessing the same was true for OitNB but I wasn't/am not interested in that show so don't know for sure.
I'm not making the case it won't be available as torrents, I just think there's no compelling reason to torrent it if you have a Netflix account, and in fact you might even get an account to support that kind of entertainment. There are no ads, it's available online in the entire season for easy streaming. Outside the US yeah, torrents will happen for sure.
Anecdotally: We created a Netflix account when S4 of Arrested Development was released, and have kept it specifically to watch House of Cards and Orange is the New Black, obviating the need to torrent* them.
The other content on Netflix is a bonus but our primary reason for having an account is for the Netflix original shows which we have enjoyed thus far. I imagine there are others in similar positions.
*I am in Australia and am using a DNS service to access Netflix, which is clunky and annoying but workable. Torrenting those shows is the only other realistic option.
I'm also in Australia and use the same DNS tricks to access Netflix. A couple of days ago I started watching Orange is the New Black and am enjoying it immensely so far. House of Cards is also on My List too but I need a few more hours in the day to get to it.
The most frustrating thing about Netflix is that so often I hear of a movie I'd like to watch but it's not on Netflix so I often download it instead. Sometimes it will be available via Roku's movie service (M-Go), but even then sometimes the movies are Buy only with no option to rent. Why do the studios make it so hard to give them money?!@?
There's plenty of tricks to allow you to watch Netflix outside their official countries, like the DNS services. But I agree with you that I'll first look if something is available on Netflix and only then look for alternative options.
Very interesting move by Yahoo. I didn't even realize they had a streaming service.
Hopefully this venture succeeds. The more different content distributors there are, the more good content we're going to see. (+ down with the cable monopolies...)
I vaguely remember Yahoo! bringing over a NBC executive to spin up their exclusive content. I had completely forgotten that was something they wanted to do. This is definitely good marketing.
I loved Firefly. Firefly was on TV 13 years ago. I'm not sure I'd want it back. Right now it lives in this mystical realm of "what we got was perfect."
Plus after Serenity's events it wouldn't be nearly as interesting.
I agree. I wouldn't however mind a successor series in spirit. Something with an entirely new cast in the same universe as Firefly/Serenity. It would be especially cool if done with tie-ins to the events we're familiar with.
I wouldn't want it back without Whedon at the helm, and I'm sure the many truckloads of money Marvel has backed up to his house to run the cinematic Marvel-verse will preclude him coming back.
This is such a brilliant move by Yahoo - there can't have been many people who even knew Yahoo was going into streaming content (I didn't, and I follow the space pretty closely). Now, if they really wanted to bring in built in audiences - they need to get on bringing back Firefly, Terriers, Lone Star, and Deadwood, along with saving shows like Trophy Wife and Enlisted (both new shows this year that critics loved but were cancelled, for those who have never heard of them)
This is an interesting move on Y! part. I wonder how their experience has been with long format video content before? Are people watching many shows on yahoo? I didn't even know they offered any.
Was Netflix's picking up arrested development a one and done experiment?
Netflix might be able to make a space based sci-fi show, the Netflix audience is probably young enough and won't torrent the show since it will be on Netflix commercial free all at once. There hasn't been one of these kind of sci-fi shows since SG-U was canceled. Firefly, SG, I don't care, can we just have something? :(