>I literally work to pay for rent and food. Sorry if this bums you out.
You spend a third of your life working, if you're only doing it for the money then I feel you're quite literally wasting your life. It doesn't particularly "bum me out", but I do feel sorry for people like you.
Please consider the following scenarios, all of which are things that really happen.
1. The best-paid job you can get pays just barely enough to keep your family in decent conditions. So you take that job, for the money. It costs 1/3 of your life, but the benefit is that your spouse and children get not to starve or live in squalor. Wasted?
2. You give a substantial fraction of your income to charities that save the lives of desperately poor people in Africa. You take a well-paid job, for the money. It costs 1/3 of your life, but the benefit is that every year you're working one more poor African gets to live instead of dying.
3. You have a choice between a job you like pretty well, and a job that's merely OK but pays a lot more. You take the well-paid job, for the money. It costs 1/3 of your life (or, more precisely, 1/3 of your life is somewhat less satisfying than it could have been), but the benefit is that you retire at 50 instead of 60 and have an extra decade of (according to taste) leisure, or working for the public good rather than for money, or starting your own business with the security of knowing you won't starve if it fails, or whatever.
All of these involve working "for the money". The only one of these people I'd feel sorry for is the first -- and not (as in your remark) because s/he is making a tragic mistake, but because s/he is in a difficult situation where no course of action is satisfactory.
Cool, maybe you can share your trust fund with me. Maybe if my startup fails I can go live with your family members since I will have lost my life savings.
You spend a third of your life working, if you're only doing it for the money then I feel you're quite literally wasting your life. It doesn't particularly "bum me out", but I do feel sorry for people like you.