If you are running multiple automated eCommerce companies that have their core system written in Python 2 like I do, you'd find that boto/mws and python-excel aren't available for Python 3 (python-excel's porting to Py3 stopped in 2011), which would prevent you from spawning new businesses on Amazon or handling (unfortunately standard) MS Office interchange files quickly.
I actually made the decision to run on Python 2 due to unavailability of these libraries for Python 3 about a year ago (I didn't really care about Python before as I primarily used C++/Java/Asm/GLSL/C#/Haskell in the past) - I was deeply shocked by what Py3 did to its own community and still have that weird feeling that Python is slowly killing itself. I didn't want to write my own Amazon and MS Office wrappers in Python 3 anyway and from all platforms available Py2 seemed to have the least amount of troubles (though I had to write some Py3 code for handling advanced TLS properly).
yup. I think this is the reason so much eCommerce software is Java (& I'm sure there is a bunch of C# but that's not my thing). Java moves like a glacier but damn is it ever stable, and for those who wish to be "cutting edge" there is everything-under-the-sun on the JVM -- Clojure, Scala, Jython, JRuby, slimmer-by-the-minute Java APIs. And the community is just working their lil buns off trying to modernize this stuff while maintaining interop / backwards compatibility.
I think the flack Java gets is for not modernizing fast enough, but I think in a way that makes you stop and smell the roses (the roses being many years' worth of badass JVM features and massive flexibility/reliability in software development).
But Ruby & Python (I am an ex-Ruby guy) take this cutting edge thing wayyy too far & end up with a community of people who can't trust them anymore cuz they all had their damn feet shot off. Sometimes I see the rates for Ruby guys & wonder if they're high cuz its so productive or just cuz its very niche & the stack is shite. On principal, it's hard for me to imagine going back down that road after experiencing the JVM (plus, I'd like to get away from web one day...).
EDIT: Funny thing I just realized actually -- all the Ruby rates I've seen tend to be exactly on par with a lot of FUBAR niche near-extinct Java technologies. The only people I've seen do better than both these camps are down & dirty Linux/Oracle/Java guys. Maybe my view is skewed but I always feel like the rock-solid langs will live on & eventually "modernize" (though lets be real, modernize is kindof a BS term for slim API & lots of MVC tutorials). These other techs are at the mercy of market trends.
I worked at SUN in the distant past, the backwards compatibility was the mantra #1. Both latest Java and Solaris were expected to run the oldest possible code, and they considered it one of the most important assets.
For many people in eCommerce and banking the arrival of Java was a "manna from heaven", as before they had to deal with the crazy complexity of CORBA and similar technologies. Java simplified this significantly and added at the time modern easy-to-program and fairly safe multi-threading that allowed software like Apache etc. This made Java famous and gave it a "huge karma" amongst developers. Without Java we probably wouldn't have experienced the massive expansion of eCommerce, and now we are lucky to see all the Java's issues - a good problem to have ;-)
Java and JVM as a consequence have their share of problems that arose from initial design decisions such as type erasure (which .NET's CLR avoided) that still deforms all languages based on JVM to this day. Massive boilerplating, J2EE's unreadable XML mess, complex design patterns invented to cope with the limitations of the language are some of the other problems. The compatibility with the old code is still there though.
I've never played with Ruby, I've heard it's still used by many young web companies for their frontends (like SoundCloud) and have heard they had some release that broke most of the compatibility which alienated many of their users. From this and from Python's example I would suggest keeping both the old way and introducing the new ways in parallel so that developers don't have to rewrite/reinvent the wheel when somebody decides to change a part of the language. This served C/C++ pretty well, adding slowly new features and instead of forcing users to use the "current right way", they allowed to live multiple different approaches together. I think that would have served Python well as well - even Py3 feels at places like a hack, similar to Py2.
Java is simply becoming the next C. For a reason, in my opinion, since the languages share quite a few traits both on the language level and the ecosystem level. Both are fast. Both have a rock solid execution system which sometimes feels backwards compatible to the first punch card made of rock (gcc vs JVM). Both of them have huge communities having significant infrastructural services and other huge code bases developed in them (linux kernel, application servers, databases in both teams). The big improvement of java would be a higher programmer safety.
And to be fair, neither language is the prettiest, shiniest and fanciest for it's time, but they get the darned job done.
you (& bitL as well) make some fair points but I actually (maybe because I'm newer to Java?) have quite a different experience with it. The XML setup seems minimal now (sure it's all there but most stuff is now handled with reasonable default configs & annotations).
Take Jax-Rs is a good example. Once you understand it you're just like "Ohhhhh this is the same way Rails/whatever framework handles json requests but I can add in all this non-linear logic without forcing it to play nicely within a presumptuous design pattern". Adding many data sources & logic flows is easy.
Bottom line is that I feel like Java can never really be the next C because fundamentally its much safer and becoming way more human readable. It toes the line well -- you can code minimal stuff similar to the scripting languages, or you can drop years of work/research into optimization for high-transaction algorithms knowing that the platform won't abandon you.
(By the way, I am personally hoping for Clojure or node.js to take over the front-end of the stack & then just using Java to do any heavy lifting that is left over)
I actually made the decision to run on Python 2 due to unavailability of these libraries for Python 3 about a year ago (I didn't really care about Python before as I primarily used C++/Java/Asm/GLSL/C#/Haskell in the past) - I was deeply shocked by what Py3 did to its own community and still have that weird feeling that Python is slowly killing itself. I didn't want to write my own Amazon and MS Office wrappers in Python 3 anyway and from all platforms available Py2 seemed to have the least amount of troubles (though I had to write some Py3 code for handling advanced TLS properly).