Was going to reply to the parent of your comment, but since you beat me to it:
>Actually, the name really is taken and by programming language: http://cobra-language.com/ - looked nice when I last looked.
The Cobra language does look interesting [1]. Checked it out a little a few weeks ago. I think it only runs on .NET and Mono, though.
[1] It uses ideas from several languages, including Python. On the Cobra site, there are a few short comparisons between it and other languages, including Python:
I especially like optional static typing and compile-time protection from nil/None very much. It's type system doesn't look very sophisticated, but since you get fully dynamic variables with no (syntactic) overhead it's not that important. requires and ensures are very nice (as are tests), especially because the only other language with real contracts (Racket) focuses on functions and is a bit lacking when it comes to contracting methods with side-effects.
It generally looks quite nice for a niche language and it's nice that it seems to be maintained. It seems that there is a JVM underway, by the way. Boo was the other similar, interesting language I checked out some time ago, but it seems to be under less active development (if at all).
Anyway, if Python 3 is such a problem, then maybe let's port everything over to Cobra. It has snake in the name and familiar syntax and lots of goodies; imagine how far it could get if hundreds of thousands Python users would start working with it! (Just joking, although I'm wishing Cobra (and all other new or unpopular) languages the best of luck, of course)
OMF, I have been looking for Cobra's home page for years! I saw it a few years ago, and was quite impressed by it, bookmarked it and then forgot all about it. Then spent the next few years searching through Lambda the Ultimate, the Internet, etc to try and find it again. And now it's in front of me again, and more mature to boot! Whoot! :)
Actually, the name really is taken and by programming language: http://cobra-language.com/ - looked nice when I last looked.
I didn't know about Cobra Toolbox, however.