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Bigger Tweets than Twitter (woofertime.com)
4 points by Sapient on Aug 20, 2009 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

10 times BIGGER Tweets than Twitter. But a 1400 character limit? Maybe they should change this to a maximum. It sounds good. But actually it doesn't help us any. First we couldn't type more than 140 characters. Now we cant type less than 1400. So basically you are still screwed if you want to type 141-1399 characters. Big gap=even bigger opportunity. We have the microblog, now the macro blog. We need the "mid-croblog".

I think twitter is fine. I'm reminded of Spolsky's comment about how the Spanish Steps is an example where the environment drives behavior. Twitter's short posts create an environment that drives behavior, short and to the point. If someone is going to blog about their cats, I want them to be restricted to 140 characters.

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