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Are you arguing that no one saw and thus there was no impact when Wikipedia ran the anti-SOPA blackout?

Further your examples don't make sense. Youtube is owned by Google, which doesn't have a 100% support track record for net-neutrality, but is mostly supportive. Netflix is on the record as completely for net-neutrality -- they are one of the major services cited by ISPs as causing the need for an internet fast lane, which directly impacts Netflix and Netflix consumers (negatively, if that wasn't clear). I don't know about facebook off-hand, but frankly, who cares about facebook's leadership on the web? It would be great for them to join in, the exposure would be great, but I think more people distrust facebook and their support is the internet equivalent of being on the same side of an argument as the KKK.

How about instead of just slowing your sites down arbitrarily you do exactly what wikipedia did -- explain to the user what is going on, and at least force them to click through to the actual, full speed version of your site -- even better, let them see what your site would be like speed-capped and what your site is like now.

> Are you arguing that no one saw and thus there was no impact when Wikipedia ran the anti-SOPA blackout?

Wikipedia was a notable exception, sure, but OP's got a point: does this have a hope on the Alexa topsites?

Comcast's monopoly seems to be the problem. If a Comcast user in NY can't watch netflix past 5PM, wouldn't they, I don't know, look for a better ISP? After all, their ISP just ain't getting it done. The only missing piece is the market competitor that is supposed to balance out Comcast's dickheadedness. Why, after decades of 'free market', do we have customers that are stuck? I think this is worth mentioning to users.

> explain to the user what is going on, and at least force them to click through to the actual, full speed version of your site

That sounds like the plan. I just can't think who's all on board.

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