I've never even heard of this guy or his company before this. I also wonder if this company has a "coolness" factor. For example, if the CEO of AT&T, Monsanto or some Oil company did this I wouldn't expect outrage from SV since those companies' reputations in SV are already so low that no amount of badness from them would shock the tech-community.
They'd be like just "Huh, yeah... rich execs in evil corps getting away with horrible crimes because our justice system only works when money & ethnicity aren't a factor. yawn. Happens every week. That problem is too big for me. Moving on..."
Not saying this is good... just expectations and moral-bar is set differently for different companies. If the CEO of Mozilla/Facebook/Apple/Google/Dropbox did this we all _KNOW_ the interwebz would freakin' E-X-P-L-O-D-E.
I've never even heard of this guy or his company before this. I also wonder if this company has a "coolness" factor. For example, if the CEO of AT&T, Monsanto or some Oil company did this I wouldn't expect outrage from SV since those companies' reputations in SV are already so low that no amount of badness from them would shock the tech-community.
They'd be like just "Huh, yeah... rich execs in evil corps getting away with horrible crimes because our justice system only works when money & ethnicity aren't a factor. yawn. Happens every week. That problem is too big for me. Moving on..."
Not saying this is good... just expectations and moral-bar is set differently for different companies. If the CEO of Mozilla/Facebook/Apple/Google/Dropbox did this we all _KNOW_ the interwebz would freakin' E-X-P-L-O-D-E.