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Personally I can't imagine any good reason to climb everest anymore, if hundreds do it every year. I'd rather do something original.

There are 7 billion people on earth, and a few hundred do this thing per year, so now it's so mainstream it's not worth doing? Is the point to experience something or to tell people about how you experienced something they haven't? Odds are still that they didn't climb Everest.


"Things aren't fun/good/interesting if hundreds do it."

Pardon me if that doesn't sound a bit like the stereotypical hipster excuse not to do something - a fetish for being original. To each their own, but my goodness does that make my jaw drop.

Yes, but what was the original point of climbing Everest?

Climbing the tallest mountain in the world?

While the same thought has gone through my head, so I empathize...

Isn't feeling the need to be the "first" at something the same logic as feeling the need to climb the "highest" mountain?

name one thing you've done in the past year that hundreds of others haven't.

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