I know it took a while, but take another look: Chrome now has full console support inside of workers: http://crbug.com/63383
Right now, we're doing a bunch of work (hah) on our worker support. We'll address pausing execution in workers as well. Expect good improvements and file a ticket at crbug.com for any other ideas, please!
I don't get it, 10h ago I still didn't have the fancy console.log() in workers (34.0.1847.116). Maybe there is a difference between the per worker debugger and the page global debugger, but my worker are transients (I do heavy computation without stopping the UI thread), so using the per worker debugger is not really practical.
Right now, we're doing a bunch of work (hah) on our worker support. We'll address pausing execution in workers as well. Expect good improvements and file a ticket at crbug.com for any other ideas, please!