Ice axes and crampons are generally certified by the UIAA [1], but this certification is not legally binding -- it's just that consumers won't buy products that aren't UIAA-certified.
Yes. I mentioned climbing on purpose, because of the standards. In reality, you can go to the hardware store and buy things like bolts and rings, and people do that. Others buy certified versions, which is probably a bit smarter. But in the end it is personal responsibility. And the certification is not that onerous. I can buy a locking biner for $15 or so dollars, a sling for $5, a very high tech rope for $150, shoes for $60, and so on. I have no doubt economy of scale is working here - more carabiners are made and sold vs prosthetic arms. But in the end I have a lot of choice - I can use $5 cheapo sunglasses at altitude, or spend $300 for high end versions. I can spend $100 for a benchmade knife, or $3 at Walmart. My life, my risks,my choice.
In the end it doesn't matter much if my prosthetic finger breaks - I'll just print a new one. Could I get a rash if I use PVC plastic vs some bioplastic? Sure,but I can also get a rash from the $5 sneakers from Walmart. Is medical grade stainless going to be better than something I get from Home Depot? I would imagine so, but I buy all my metal from Home Depot and the like, and I have yet to suffer any real consequences from that. I have a stiff neck from the $10 pillow from BB&B - shall I buy a $3800 orthopedic, medical grade, hypoallergenic pillow? Nah.