How many times we believe that our idea will work. That our start-up would rock. That even our submission on HN will get many up-votes. Personally I get disappointed each time that I try to make reality the ideas that were theoretical in my mind(ideas that seem to me very very possible to happen and succeed).
What do we do wrong?
Any idea on why theory is so much different from reality(at the field of internet and businesses).
Take electric cars. Its a great idea, some of them are really cool and could save the planet, etc. However, drivers aren't ready to give up 400 miles on a tank of gas that can be refilled in 5 mins vs. 90 miles on a charge that takes 8 hours to recharge.
In my opinion, its not that we, you or I are doing anything wrong. We just are not fighting hard enough and getting a passionate core of believers that will carry us to the next iteration of our idea. Eventually electric cars will become as useful as gas powered cars... but it will be entirely due to the belief of a small core of people that want to see that happen.
Your ideas aren't bad or wrong... they are just ill timed.