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A Simple Programming Puzzle Seen Through Three Different Lenses (power of Ruby, Python) (thraxil.org)
20 points by nickb on Oct 31, 2007 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

Luckily for me, I thought about the problem and came up with an answer before I hit the comment section of this article. There's a spoiler in the first comment.

> Python, like Ruby, Perl, and other relatively high level languages, has supports a dictionary (or hashtable if you prefer) data type at the syntax level.

Kind of a dumb point. STL has map and hash_map. Failing to use them has nothing to do with the language, just stupidity.

I think language has a lot to do with it. To do the same thing in Python, Ruby, Scheme or whatever there is just less to think about. This frees up your brain to think about algorithims and little else. C++ is jammed with distractions.

It's not that dynamic languages make a problem super easy, but they do help quite a bit.

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