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Thank you girvo. With regards to costs, thus far it is at $285,000 of which I am responsible for $3,000. That doesn't include the cost of the premiums which run us $400 / month and will soon increase as I'll be paying cobra rates instead of the employee rate. The chemo is $11,000 / month and I've been averaging a hospital stay every two weeks as my body breaks down and those average about $20,000 / week if I don't require any kind of specialized treatment. Radiation treatment was $102,000 by itself and insurance would only cover it if the doctor said I had a life expectancy of more than 6 months. There will come a time when I can't get the treatment I need because it's too expensive and not covered by insurance. I'm honestly afraid that time will be sooner rather than later as the average life expectancy for someone with my diagnosis is 9 months.

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