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Avoiding fake clicks on your Facebook ads
1 point by mukeshitt on March 4, 2014 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments
From an email I got:

"Inspired by the viral video explaining issue of fake accounts clicking facebook ads, we have created a tool called Fan Harvest where we let you target your ads at people who have been actively engaging, a trait that only belongs to genuine accounts, with your competitors. Try us at http://fanharvest.com/ and let us know what you think."

Looks legit and I know the team is strong behind this one.

Doesn't seem to be working. I input page name (has over 1 mil fans) and upon submit nothing happens? Am I missing something

I tried the same thing, It takes a few (5-10) minutes to process a page that size I figured. The CTR was through the roof went from just under 1% to over 5% CTR.

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