I love the addition of SFTP, and I hope to buy the update soon.
Can anyone recommend a SFTP backup provider?
My Arq backups are designed to be worst-case. I have other, local backup options in case of failure. I was using Glacier, but I ran into Arq3 sync problems and I need to re-upload all my data. Glacier is very slow from where I live. I assume SFTP will be a bit faster.
arq (or any SFTP based client, including sshfs) will work perfectly with rsync.net.
The new-user-HN-discount is 10c per GB, per month, and there are no other (traffic/bandwidth/usage) costs. Our platform is ZFS and there are 7 daily snapshots for free.
We would be happy to serve you, as we've been serving thousands of users since 2001.
OVH has Swift/OpenStack storage service (hubiC) that makes Glacier look insanely expensive if we're talking about at least about 1TiB+ of backups. Can't tell anything about their reliability, though.
Can anyone recommend a SFTP backup provider?
My Arq backups are designed to be worst-case. I have other, local backup options in case of failure. I was using Glacier, but I ran into Arq3 sync problems and I need to re-upload all my data. Glacier is very slow from where I live. I assume SFTP will be a bit faster.