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Any chance for ChromeOS support?

It's most likely not possible until there's a "hosted atom" you connect to with your browser. ChromeOS is /just/ a web browser and won't run node, which Atom uses to do its processing.

It will depend on which node features/packages are essential, but it could probably be hacked together (possibly entirely using Atom's modular design, e.g. replace the standard file IO parts with browser-friendly ones like LocalStorage and the HTML5 File API).

Also: https://github.com/substack/node-browserify

ChromeOS (rather, Chromebooks) can run more-featured Linux distros like Ubuntu, ArchLinux.

The OP asked for ChromeOS support, not Chromebook

@Downvoters: Please do your homework[0] before downvoting. If you genuinely think my comment deserved downvotes, at least afford me the courtesy of an explanation.

[0]: https://github.com/dnschneid/crouton

You can make offline apps for ChromeOS/Chrome

You can make offline webapps for ChromeOS. Node will not run on ChromeOS.

Putting in my +1 for a ChromeOS option.

That... would be interesting.

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