I'm more interested in the visual aesthetic, but I've built a few sculptures[1] visualizing algorithms. It's something I'm hoping to expand on when I have more time and resources. I'd write a bit more about them, but I'm on my phone getting ready for work.
Despite what that github page says about not having any reason for making these sculptures, I'm currently thinking of them as a way to highlight the kinds of concepts and technology that our computer-saturated world relies on to operate. Of course the obvious audience is people who already have an understanding of computer science, but by making them aesthetically pleasing I hope to expose people who aren't interested in algorithms to some of the algorithms that influence or make up the technology they rely on. They're intended to be shown in a gallery space, but now that I have space to show in they're more than 500 miles away from me; hopefully I'll put a show together later this year.
[1] http://wollw.github.io/Cellular-Polymaton