In cases like this I use a binary comparison tree:
Task a vs task b: if I don't have an opinion about which I should do, I flip a coin.
Task c vs task d, task e vs task f, task g vs task h.
Then winner ab vs winner cd, winner ef vs winner gh.
Then winner abcd vs winner efgh.
I almost never make it all the way to the end as by round 2 ive considered the urgency and value of every task and the winner is usually obvious.
In the cases where I truly don't have an opinion about any of them, the coin flipping only takes a few seconds and getting started on somehing now is often better than spending the time trying to gather enough evidence to form an opinion.
The trick is in forcing relatively easy binary comparisons vs hard absolute or exhaustive evaluations. Our brains have lots of good hardware to make binary and trinary decisions, but we have to use software once we pass 4 or so competing choices.
The coin flip works surprisingly well for me, and for the exact reason you stated. Given the choice between two options that I can't decide between, I flip a coin. The actual result of the flip is irrelevant, because I'll invariably know which result I want before the coin even lands. It forces me to make a decision in spite of myself.
That's actually the best test. Flip a coin and then for a moment no matter how small when its in the air, you will hoping for a result. Work on that option.
Task a vs task b: if I don't have an opinion about which I should do, I flip a coin.
Task c vs task d, task e vs task f, task g vs task h.
Then winner ab vs winner cd, winner ef vs winner gh.
Then winner abcd vs winner efgh.
I almost never make it all the way to the end as by round 2 ive considered the urgency and value of every task and the winner is usually obvious.
In the cases where I truly don't have an opinion about any of them, the coin flipping only takes a few seconds and getting started on somehing now is often better than spending the time trying to gather enough evidence to form an opinion.
The trick is in forcing relatively easy binary comparisons vs hard absolute or exhaustive evaluations. Our brains have lots of good hardware to make binary and trinary decisions, but we have to use software once we pass 4 or so competing choices.
It works for me. Ymmv.