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React v0.9 (facebook.github.io)
23 points by sophiebits on Feb 20, 2014 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

I'm absolutely loving React. The component-based architecture is perfect for making site/apps that contain lots of re-used elements such as widgets. We can pull down JSON from the server and dynamically decide which components to create, passing them their relevant data.

Furthermore, the other thing I'm enjoying is that it's just JavaScript, and updates are done explicitly as opposed to implicitly (ala AngularJS) - coming from Angular, I am really not missing the magic and need to design plugins specifically to work within $digest loops - you can just use normal JS (e.g. SuperAgent, Director, Backbone, or jQuery) and call setState as needed.

It's scary initially because of the "DOM in my JS...wat" part, but once you start breaking stuff down into tiny components, the amount of HTML you actually need to put in your JS is minimal.

I share this sentiment.

Coming from angular too, what I love most about react is that it completely frees me from having to care about the moving parts in my views - aka maintaining state.

Who's actually using React??

Facebook, Instagram, Khan Academy, Sberbank, etc.

My company is using it in production. Love it.

We're using it, its' been fucking amazing so far.

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