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The 24 hour Business Camp that took place in a Japanese spa in the archipelago outside Stockholm in January was one of the best, most fun, most inspiring things I've done:


We were 90 people that worked for 24 hours to build 52 "startups". The list is here: http://www.24hourbusinesscamp.com/2009/01/vote-for-your-favo... (Some of it in Swedish.)

It was an eye opening experience to build something in such a short timeframe. To say you have to focus on the essentials is an understatement. I think I slept for 2 hours before finishing the last touches in the morning. Afterwards I felt a high that lasted for weeks. This event changed me.

Here's my Flickr-set from Yasuragi where 24hbc took place: http://www.flickr.com/photos/erikstarck/sets/721576128250229...

Note the Japanese bath robes.

seems much more relaxing than what we did!!! thanks for all the links and the heads up for other similar events.

Here are some more programming/app contests that i think are still open, if anyones interested:

http://www.twilio.com/contest/netbook/ [Every monday]

https://www.code7contest.com/Default.aspx [15 Aug??]

http://www.componentart.com/community/competition2009/ [Deadline Sep 27]

http://www.ineta.org/codechallenge/ [Deadline 25th Aug]

--- http://www.ideaconnection.com/contests/index-ideas.html

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