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Yes, because "NSA satellites" is exactly what I talking about. The best you can do to not acknowledge Hastings reporting being entirely contextual to what I have been saying is to make a slight about his death being a conspiracy?

That's pretty fucked up.

As for Barrett Brown, the entities at the top of the warrant's list were HBGary, Infragard, and NSA affiliate/botnet information using Endgame Systems[1]. You seem to conflate Brown with the person who hacked the firm and leaked the data. Brown was a person who reported on the contents and helped coordinate research on those companies the warrant names amongst others.

About Stratfor, court documents for Sabu the FBI snitch show that the leaked data was directed to an FBI server when the site was hacked and the data ex-filtrated. Instead of pinning the credit card information that was uploaded directly to the FBI as being disseminated by Brown (Hammond was the Stratfor hacker), perhaps you should ask how it was allowed to leave the FBI's control after the data landed on their forensically secure server[2].

But no, Mr Brown used drugs so of course that is what you latch onto as to diminish work done or waffle away from discussing this topic at all. Classic tptacek character attack. Relent on being such a dick, purposefully exaggerating/contorting the subjects as to dismiss them and perhaps we can discuss this topic, as so far you have just been making snotty comments.

[1] http://s3-ec.buzzfed.com/static/enhanced/web05/2012/4/24/17/...

[2] http://www.forbes.com/sites/andygreenberg/2012/03/07/was-ano...

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