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Lisant.io - searchable full text bookmarks & feed reader (lisant.io)
4 points by jamesdsadler on Jan 7, 2014 | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment

lisant.io is a lightweight full text bookmarking service and a feed reader.

The full-text bookmarking works via a bookmarklet that snapshots the DOM of the current page and uses a heuristic content extraction engine to clean up the content.

lisant.io provides a full-text search feature across all your bookmarked content and feeds that you subscribe to. For feeds that don't provide content within the feed itself, the search is limited to article metadata.

Also, any tweet that you favourite that contains a link will be added to your bookmarks.

lisant.io is a premium service with a short (1 week) trial. There's no free plan. This is absolutely intentional: we're bootstrapping this with our own time and money we don't want to support a free tier.

We take your data seriously:

- at any time, you can cancel your plan and you can download an archive of all of your bookmarks and subscriptions.

- we take nightly backups of the entire database.

lisant.io also works just great on your mobile!

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