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Ask HN: how do you read your noisy Twitter stream?
5 points by redox_ on Jan 4, 2014 | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments
The more people I follow, the more noise I have to filter out from my stream to grab the interesting stuff... I'm currently using the official OS X Twitter app (I've also tried Tweetdeck, but all these columns were kind of confusing) and I'm now looking for best-practices or a new productive tool. Any hint?

I just shrink my Following list. I see whose tweets I find interesting and see if they have a website that offers 80% of the stuff they talk about on Twitter and if that’s the case then I remove them from Twitter and just follow their website instead.

I don’t reply to interesting tweets much so may not work for those that want to engage in conversation a lot.

The solution may not be a tool, but simply not following so many people (particularly "noisy" ones). I've also turned retweets off for probably two thirds of the people I follow, so that also helps.

With few exceptions (for especially interesting/notable accounts e.g. NASA, WSJ, HN100, etc) I try not to follow people who tweet more than two or three times a day (shameless plug: I created shouldifollow.com so I can easily see how often someone tweets before following them).

I follow 2000+ people and really nothing seem to work the best. I have tried two ways to read.

Hootsuite Created 4-5 seperate columns per list according to the priority of the list, e.g real friends come first.

Flipboard. On flipboard I have only connected my twitter account and manage views by list. Although I can read everything, I believe FB is surfacing the important content on top

I'm having max 150 following rule. If I reach the limit and want to add one more, someone has to go.

I have stopped reading it regularly. Just about once in the morning and the evening.

TweetDeck is the best for me tbh.

And how did you configured your columns?

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