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Django only has 1 woman contributor
9 points by sontek on Dec 31, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments
Looking here: https://github.com/django?tab=members there is only 1 woman allowed to commit to django.

After the last 2 lynch mobs powered by two core contributors of the Django community, I got curious about how inclusive their group of developers actually is, since they criticize companies like YC about their percentage of women founders.

Why do Jacob Kaplan Moss and Alex Gaynor think its so easy to find and include women programmers when their own community has only been able to get 1 woman committer in the 8yrs it has been around? (Same length YC has been around).

Unless women are actually prevented from joining the ranks, I don't see why their absence would be a problem...

I agree, except for the fact that the django community has been attacking the libuv community for not using gender neutral pronouns and YC for not having more women founders.

Links to the mobs plz.

Are they paying the woman programmer? Putting money where the mouth is requires money.

Read https://twitter.com/jacobian for the latest stuff against PG. (Hes creator of django)

Also, https://github.com/joyent/libuv/pull/1015 (Created by a core contributor to django)

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