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An electricity bill /and/ being registered in your district. It is not like you can take an electricity bill to any poll location and vote.

20 Euros might not seem like much but if you are making minimum wage it can be significant. And what if you lose your ID? Or you don't have access to the documentation to get an ID right away? Or you are a college student and your residence is with your parents?

The fact is that voter fraud is not a big problem. Disenfranchising voters, however, is a problem. There are even 2000 page tomes on exactly how to go about it.

That's what makes /me/ sick.

"It is not like you can take an electricity bill to any poll location and vote."

It's exactly like that in 8 states + DC ( Idaho, Iowa, Maine, Minnesota, Montana, New Hampshire, Wisconsin, Wyoming, and Washington DC.): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Election_Day_voter_registration

Well, just spot checking Wisconsin (because that is the first state to come up when I googled 'election day voter registration' requires a valid driver's license for same day registration.

So, no, not exactly like that.

You need those 20€ only every four to eight years IIRC, and as said you can always apply for assistance if you're earning minimum wage.

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