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Just goes to show you how little the "authorities" understand technology. If this had been a brick and mortar business it is highly unlikely that they would shut them down for 45 hours for one file. They didn't even bother to contact the owner of the site? The assumption that he is involved in the theft simply because he owns the site (which apparently is openly accessible) is asinine. You can just imagine the "authorities" talking in their little uniforms about "these hacker kids" while prodding the the strange boxes with their billy clubs.

I agree. An analogy would be closing a long-term storage facility because someone stored a bomb-making manual in one of its lockers.

Well, perhaps they would still close it and search for an actual bomb. But would they also close all of the facilities owned by the same storage company? More to the point, I guess, would they suspect that the storage company is an accomplice? Unlikely.

The problem is, hi tech is outside of the daily experience of most of the people, and much less understood by them. So they have to rely on experts and take the most conservative point of view (as potentially the least dangerous one). We have to be patient with them: education takes time.

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