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Create your own social media buttons with an unified design (getshar.es)
14 points by TaminoMartinius on Dec 30, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 10 comments

I'm having a slow brain day and I can't for the life of me work out what this is for. The website itself is too cool to deign to explain anything.


I think you enter a URL and then it searches for it on the different networks. Then it displays how many hits it found. Then again I'm not sure, I'd prefer to have it explained.

Great tool, thanks for sharing! Added it to my overview of the best online marketing tools: https://online-marketing-tools.zeef.com/rick.boerebach#link_...

The grey text on each button is completely unreadable, there's no contrast at all.

It looks better if you remove the font-weight = 300 but the text is still not really readable

Good lord this is useful and a huge time saver.

EDIT: Oh I thought you could customize the colours. Still useful but not quite as useful now :(

The buttons are created inline (no iframes) - so you can modify the buttons simply per css. Demo: http://codepen.io/Zaku/pen/AHJxk You can also download the source and host the style and script on your own, to have the full control. GitHub: https://github.com/cdn-getshares/cdn-getshares.github.io

okay. But there is still a lot of fiddling involved. I would like to be able to just make all my buttons one color scheme and paste them into a site. Now I have to manually edit the JS for each button instance. Maybe its not a big deal I will have to feel it in practice. I think not having to collect snippets from every vendors website is still pretty big savings

I'll add a color picker to the Wizard in one of the next updates. If you use jQuery.extend, the code gets pretty short: http://codepen.io/Zaku/pen/smKEv

Really well designed site and buttons. Everything is fresh and clean but the buttons unfortunately require jQuery.

Thanks for your response, the client code is still Beta. (Code on https://github.com/cdn-getshares/cdn-getshares.github.io) I don't need much functions from jQuery (jsonp calls/a bit of dom manipulation). I will add my own code in the final release for this tiny part of jQuery which is used.

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