That's the idea -- it's OK to pour hundreds of millions of dollars into offensive operations, but defensive operations? Nope, we can't be too quick to put up the walls otherwise our enemies will learn of our 'defensive' techniques and do the same.
Furthermore it's an inevitability that our adversaries learn of these offensive techniques, so attempting to keep them a secret is simply a race against time -- and I don't think that's a race we can win. At this point we're arrogantly exercising recklessness and negligence on the hope that we can stay ahead of the wave.
Furthermore it's an inevitability that our adversaries learn of these offensive techniques, so attempting to keep them a secret is simply a race against time -- and I don't think that's a race we can win. At this point we're arrogantly exercising recklessness and negligence on the hope that we can stay ahead of the wave.