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Every time I see an Uber post related to Europe I wonder if in the US taxis don't need to pay the outrageous license fees (in addition to a whole lot of other things, like freelance income taxes.) It seems very beautiful on the outside, but in the end it seems like the service offered is a way for people to earn money without passing through the same hoops as others do. Seen from afar it seems innovation, but think again. It's unskilled people being paid for (what is usually) highly skilled work. Yes, I mean driving someone to a place.

> Every time I see an Uber post related to Europe I wonder if in the US taxis don't need to pay the outrageous license fees (in addition to a whole lot of other things, like freelance income taxes.)

A single NYC taxi medallion goes for millions of dollars: http://www.nyc.gov/html/tlc/html/about/average_medallion_pri...

Most Taxi drivers have to rent one; which is not cheap. The medallion owners get to sit on their asses in rake in the cash.

Your concern is misplaced.

I have read an article or two on NYC medallions, and obviously it's an aberration of a system. In Spain (for instance) you "just" need a license (either purchased second hand or new if there are new ones coming.) I think renting them is prohibited by law.

As mentioned by Crito, the taxi medallion system exists here, and it's a terribly broken system for everyone involved except, perhaps, the Taxi companies. A NYC taxi medallion can cost millions of dollars.

That said... the Uber black car drivers are licensed, only as private limo drivers rather than taxi drivers. They're not allowed to accept street hails. (Before smartphones, this meant having an advance reservation in place.) They're perfectly qualified to drive passengers.

And unlike most regular taxis I've experienced in the SF bay, Uber drivers aren't on their cell phone during the entire drive, so they're arguably safer drivers.

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