This and That is interesting in that it's satirical and yet it can leverage CBC's known integrity for news to spread virally. Regularlly. This isn't the first time I've seen a this and that item shared, often on facebook you only see the link which in almost any other instance a shared piece of content is legimate news. And before Glyphobet took the bait my own office staffer was telling me about this guy over the water cooler. My suggestion to her was to find me an article from a legitimate source and send it over, i'd love to read that story.
We'll see if I get a linke to in my inbox before the end of the day.
The reason the satire works though is that this thread of paranoia does exist. I remember right around the first Obama election Costco started selling huge piles of emergency food in the stores, and I'd see people pushing caravans of carts down the aisle and pickup trucks and vans getting loaded up with 5 gallon buckets full of the stuff.
They still sell it, but only online, no doubt left over inventory from those days.
These are not quantities of food that one purchases for the occasional camping trip. This is Armageddon/Rapture preparation.
In case you have trouble getting safe water to reconstitute this stuff into food after the nukes fall or live uncomfortably close to Chernobyl or Fukushima they even sell radiation filters
We'll see if I get a linke to in my inbox before the end of the day.