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The Vedic tradition is typically an oral one. It takes about 3hrs to recite the Padhuka Sahasram.

Those of us who come from India and have grown up with this have older uncles and others who can compose extremely mellifluous and deep meaning verses extemporaneously.

The Chitra Paddathi which comprises of 40 verses (of the 1,008) takes 7mins 37secs.

If you are so inclined you can hear it at (1) - You can follow along with the romanized english phrases with meanings at (2) and you can see it's corresponding visual artistry at (3)

(1) http://andavan.org/audio/7.CHITRA%20%20%20PADDHATHI.mp3 (2) 92, 93, 94 & 95 (10's) at http://www.ibiblio.org/sripedia/ebooks/vdesikan/rps/92.html (s/92/93 etc.) (3) http://www.ibiblio.org/sripedia/ebooks/vdesikan/rps/chitra.h...

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