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Wow, Keith Alexander is such an asshole.

> This is analogous to a hostage-taker taking 50 people hostage, shooting 10 and then say, "If you give me full amnesty, I'll let the other 40 go."

Yeah, except he didn't actually get anyone killed, you asshole! It just embarrassed NSA and the US government, and uncovered that they were spying on allies and for economic reasons, not just to protect against terrorists - you know, as they were lying to the public that they were doing. Worse, not just spying on them, but actually launching attacks against them, to protect their interests.

They are using the same stupid analogy as the one they used for Manning, saying his leaks will probably end up getting a lot of people killed - none of that ever happened, but they kept pushing that argument till the end.

> GEN. ALEXANDER: I do. I think people have to be held accountable for their actions. … Because what we don't want is the next person to do the same thing.

Oh, I fully agree with him here. So how about we punish Alexander for his crimes against the Constitution, and make sure no future NSA/USCC chief ever does the same again? That goes for Obama, too, which I strongly believe deserves impeachment over this. Even today he has absolutely no intention of changing the NSA. So what's the solution, if not impeachment?! He wasn't just doing these abuses in the past - he wants to keep doing them. So I don't see other alternative.

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