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I don't know why I'm responding to this as I can tell I'm trying to have a discussion about pragmatism with someone who's goals are ideological.

Bitcoin solves none of these problems. Fractional reserve banking, the mutability of the money supply, interest: all of that will continue to exist regardless of currency. Just as people borrowed money on interest when gold was the currency (or the standard) people will do so with bitcoin. These financial tools were created from necessity, not as "tools of oppression". Bitcoin will be saddled with the same financial services (banks, credit and so on) that currencies always have been because, for better or worse, we need those services. I recommend The Ascent of Money as I feel it’s a fairly nice, brief history of financial services.

But that's really beside the point. People don't make decisions about their money based on ideology; they make it based on what they need to buy food, clothing, shelter, entertainment and all the other stuff they transact every day. If I go out to people on the street and give them bitcoins and tell them it will free them from oppression, they will still pull out their dollars to buy milk because that's what the supermarket takes. There's no shaking of the shackles of oppression here because the shackles are social, not financial. The exercise of power and oppression goes much deeper than the kind of currency we use.

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