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I quite agree with that. Java & Go have a close typing system (static but not very elaborate, and java < 5 was lacking generics just like go), share a close philosophy (a simple language with no tricky corner, safer memory management, designed for programming in the large), have built-in concurrency mechanisms, and are even quite close when it comes to raw performance.

The history of many of the languages has been the same in regards to generics. C++ didn't have them, then templates where added. C# 1 didn't have them, but were quickly added (correctly) in 2. D didn't have them, later they were added. It is very common for a new language to avoid generics in the beginning, but it seems most come to agree, it was a mistake.

C# had them already internally in 1999, before the 1.0 release, they just decided to focus on other issues for the first release of .NET.


On the functional languages world, parametric polymorphism has usually always been part of the first versions.

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