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Google+ : making users angry ... (evernote.com)
5 points by ColinWright on Nov 14, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

Where did you get this form?

Not sure I understand you. This is something I found on the internet. I submitted the link here because I thought it might interest some HNers, and possible provoke some interesting discussion.

This isn't my form, nor is it a form I was being asked to complete. I'm not the person who took the screenshot, nor the person being asked to confirm my identity.

This is the way HN works - when people come across things they think the HN community might be interested in, or might like to discuss, they submit a link to it.

Or have I completely misunderstood? if you want to know more then you might ask the person mentioned in the screen-shot. here:



His story continues: https://www.evernote.com/shard/s4/sh/a05b2608-0066-4adf-95b0...

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